Award Topics

The Sakıp Sabancı International Research Awards, which have been held for 18 years following the will of Sabancı University Honorary President Sakıp Sabancı, rewarded young researchers and a scientist who have made significant contributions to academic studies in the field of republicanism within the scope of this year's theme, "The 100th Anniversary of the Republic of Türkiye: Republicanism in Theory and Application".
At the Sakıp Sabancı International Research Awards and Commemoration Ceremony, the Special Jury Prize was awarded to Philip Pettit, the L.S. Rockefeller Professor of Human Values at Princeton University since 2002 and Professor of Philosophy at the Australian National Universitysince 2012.
Dolunay Bulut,The New School for Social Research / Politics
“Republic after New Authoritarianism: Constitution as an Object of Fetish”
Burak Tan, University of Chicago, Department of Political Science
“The Dual Challenge of the Anatolian Revolution: Anti-Imperialist Self-Determination as Identity and Critique”
Banu Turnaoğlu Açan, Sabancı University
“Republicanism in Turkey: Visions, Dreams and Cultivations of a Political Reality”
The evaluation of the applications submitted in the award program, which is led by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and the Istanbul Policy Center of Sabancı University, is carried out by an independent and international jury. Within the scope of the award program, a different theme is determined every year from all fields of social sciences, from economics to politics, history, and psychology.


Award Topics

“The Future of Globalization: Return of the State?”


The 2022 theme of the Sakıp Sabancı International Research Awards was “The Future of Globalization: Return of the State?”. Professor Pippa Norris, who has taught at Harvard for three decades as the Paul F. McGuire Lecturer in Comparative Politics, has been found deserving of the Jury Prize. The author of 50 books about government systems, electoral integrity, and democracy, and the scientist with the second highest number of citations in the field of social sciences according to Google Scholar, Professor Norris is also the Founding Director of the Electoral Integrity Project implemented by Harvard University and the University of Sydney.


Ufuk Akçiğit (USA - Chicago University) & Sina Ateş (USA - Federal Reserve Board - The views in this paper are solely the responsibility of the authors and should not be interpreted as reflecting the views of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System or of any other person associated with the Federal Reserve System-)


Mert Moral (Turkey - Sabancı University) & Evgeny A. Sedashov (Russia - National Research University Higher School of Economics)

Paula D. Ganga (USA - Columbia University)



Dr. Oya Yeğen, Faculty Member of Sabancı University Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, was the chair of the jury, and the other members of the jury were Prof. Dr. Fuat Keyman, Sabancı University Vice President and Director of the Istanbul Policy Center, Prof. Dr. Meltem Müftüler-Baç, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at Sabancı University, Prof. Dr. Houchang Chehabi, Professor of International Relations at Boston University, Prof. Dr. Sheri Berman, Professor of Political Science at Columbia University, Dr. Mustafa Kutlay, senior lecturer in the Department of International Politics at City, University of London, and Dr. Kerim Can Kavaklı, assistant professor of political science at Bocconi University.

Winning Articles

Economic Policy and the Role of Government in a Globalized World
The Reversal of Electoral Fortunes: Anti-Elitist Attitudes in the Age of Populism and Globalization
Bringing the State Back In: Populism, Economic Nationalism and the Instrumentalization of Globalization in Europe

Keynote Speeches

Professor Pippa Norris, winner of the Jury Prize at the 2022 International Research Awards, said, “I am truly honored and delighted to be able to participate in this year’s Sakıp Sabancı International Research Awards, one of the foremost world prizes in terms of recognizing and encouraging excellence in the social sciences.”.


In her speech, Norris, referring to the theme of the 2022 awards, said, “Globalization is a global phenomenon and it is complex. It should not be confused simply with Westernization, nor with Americanization, an older concept, as the word is sometimes called. Many of those who are leading global countries are in fact those in Europe, like the Netherlands, like Belgium, like Singapore in Asia, highly-integrated with world economies, as the United States is as well. Turkey currently ranks about 58th out of 208 independent states in the 2021 KOF globalization index. And many values are changing in countries around the world.”


Award Topics

"Post-Corona World And Turkey: Social Psychological And Political Impacts Of The Pandemics.”

In coping with Covid-19 pandemic, government policies in the world displayed considerable differences. While some governments implemented social distancing through emergency laws, others approached this as a matter of personal choice and ventured into persuading their citizens towards self-confinement, with mixed success. In the fight against the pandemic, the success of the government policies became increasingly dependent on the behavior of their citizens. Civic activism was curtailed along with the decline in the citizens’ ability to come together, organize and advocate. Nevertheless, new civil society actors and a novel type of civic activism emerged in attempts to provide essential services such as food and masks, stop the spread of incorrect and harmful information as well as protect the disadvantaged and marginalized groups.

What were the social psychological factors in understanding the impact of perceived threat of spreading Covid-19? Did the pandemic increase potentially maladaptive collective defensive behaviors, such as stigmatization, xenophobia, social isolation, fear of job loss, distrust toward health system and governments, as well as adaptive social behaviors, such as, social cohesion, creative collective actions, and altruism?

What were the factors behind the adoption of such different government policies and citizen behavior in the face of the pandemic? Did the pandemic trigger novel government policies and citizen behavior or rather lend more credence to the already existing tendencies and status quo? What were the impacts of societal underpinnings such as the prevalence of individual and/or collective life styles in different societies in addressing the pandemic? Can individual autonomy coexist alongside the collective needs of the societies facing the pandemic? How did the government and citizens in Turkey respond to the pandemic and how do these responses compare with their counterparts in other countries? Can responses to the pandemic enable us to cope better with other impending threats such as climate change?


Essay Award Winners:
Associate Professor Ayşenur Dal and Associate Professor Efe Tokdemir, both from Bilkent University
Onurcan Yılmaz From Kadir Has University and Ozan İşler from Queensland University of Technology (Australia)
Sinan Alper from Yaşar University

Winner of the Special Jury Award: Professor Susan Michie


Chair of the Jury Professor Nebi Sümer, Faculty Member of Sabancı University Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Professor Fuat Keyman, Sabancı University Vice President and Director of the Istanbul Policy Center
Professor Meltem Müftüler-Baç, Dean of Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at Sabancı University
Professor Adil Sarıbay, Faculty Member at Kadir Has University
Professor Ayşe Üskül of the University of Kent, Kevin N. Ochsner, Chair of Psychology at Columbia University
Associate Professor Jay Van Bavel, New York University.

Winning Articles

“Socio-psychological dynamics in the fight against Covid-19 in societies with underlying conditions” by Associate Professor Ayşenur Dal and Associate Professor Efe Tokdemir, both from Bilkent University
“Cognitive and behavioural consequences of the Covid-19 threat around the world and in Turkey” by Onurcan Yılmaz From Kadir Has University and Ozan İşler from Queensland University of Technology (Australia)
“Believing Covid-19 conspiracy theories: Not a bug, but a feature of human nature” by Sinan Alper from Yaşar University

Keynote Speeches

Winner of the Special Jury Prize, Professor Susan Michie, behavioral health scientist, also known as a political activist in the field of public health, delivered an address at the award ceremony. Saying that she was extremely honored to have been awarded the prize, Professor Michie continued, “I would like to share with you how psychology helps to fight Covid-19. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, governments all over the world have asked people to change their behaviors. We have acquired new habits such as keeping social distance, wearing facemasks, self-isolating. However, observance of the rules depends on capability, opportunity and motivation. These 3 elements directly impact behaviors. Psychologists have played a key role in understanding and changing behavior to tackle Covid-19.”

Pointing out that, “if we want to change the behaviors of citizens, we may want to achieve this by changing the behaviors of others; health professionals, employers, policy-makers and politicians,” Susan Michie added, “First of all, we should ensure that policy-makers change their behaviors. The first step to ensuring change is to make recommendations for behavior change. Our research group has identified 93 behavior change techniques. Which techniques we use will depend on what will be appropriate for different populations, different settings, and different behaviors. So, if our task was to increase self-isolation, we would not use techniques to increase motivation such as threatening people with large fines, but instead use techniques aimed at increasing opportunity, providing social, financial, and practical resources to support self-isolation. In this context, trusted leadership is important. Communication must be honest, open, clear and transparent. And telling people not only what to do but explaining why people need to adopt certain behaviors; giving them a rationale. It is necessary to know and listen to the communities, and include them in decision-making. Governments don’t always do what we advise but we always try to ensure the best advice. I hope that the government in Turkey is also benefitting from the advice of psychologists and other behavioral scientists in tackling Covid-19. No person, and no government, can protect itself on its own. Humans are all interconnected, and solutions must be global. We can only protect ourselves by protecting each other.”


Award Topics

“Economics and the Future of Turkey”
One of the most striking results in the modern economic theory is to show that markets are often imperfect. In such cases, wisely designed economic policies can increase efficiency and decrease inequality. At its 15th year, the Sakip Sabanci International Research Award will acknowledge studies concentrating on the government’s role in and economic policies related to the wide range of topics from inequality to income distribution, climate change to energy, traffic congestion to air pollution, transportation to housing. The studies must be contributing to the economics literature at the universal level as well as generating ideas that can in principle benefit Turkey.


Winners of the Research Awards:
● Jonathan D. Hall, University of Toronto “Can Tolling Help Everyone? Estimating Aggregate and Distributional Consequences of Congestion Pricing”,
● Hans Koster, Vrije University, Amsterdam “The Welfare Effects of Greenbelt Policy: Evidence from England”, and
● Nick Tsivanidis Berkeley University, California “Evaluating the Impact of Urban Transit Infrastructure: Evidence from Bogotá’s TransMilenio”.
Winner of the Special Jury Award: Professor Lord Nicholas Stern


Eren İnci, Sabancı University - President of the Jury
Fuat Keyman, Sabancı University - Istanbul Policy Center
Özgür Kıbrıs, Sabancı University
Kemal Derviş, Brookings Institute
Professor Gilles Duranton, University of Pennsylvania
Professor Robin Lindsey, UBC Sauder School of Business
Professor Matthew Turner, Brown University

Keynote Speeches

Next two decades will be very critical for the world

"Expressing that he feels honored to receive such a special award previously given to very distinguished scientists like Joseph Nye and organized by Sabancı University which was founded by the great philanthropist Sakıp Sabancı, Professor Lord Stern said: “Climate change has been at the center of my work over the last two decades. Unmanaged climate change poses an immense threat to the future of humanity. On current trajectories, including those embodied in the Paris Agreement of 2015, within a century or so, we are headed for average global temperatures over 3 degrees centigrade above those at the end of the 19th century. With an increase of three degrees probably billions of people would have to move, that would likely result in more profound and severe social conflicts. It would reverse the gains in development we have made over the last half century. To stabilize temperatures, we have to go to zero carbon emissions as a world, and to stay at net zero levels within about 50 years. So, the next two decades will be absolutely critical.”

Emphasizing that the drive to net zero can be the most sustainable, inclusive, resilient growth story, Professor Lord Stern said: “This century will be full of discovery, innovation, investment and growth. It will give us cities, where we can move and breathe and be productive. To get there, we will require real leadership, strategy and inspiration. It will also require innovation and creativity, and it will require sound and imaginative finance, surely qualities shown by Sakıp Sabancı in great measure. Turkey is very vulnerable since it is located in southern Europe, but Turkey also has great assets. It has substantial wind and solar resources. And, Turkey, with its special geography and its profound culture, is a focal point for the world. So, we look in this great story for Turkey to be at center stage.”


Image removed.



Award Topics

Future Of Multilateralism In Global Turmoil: Rethinking Securiy, Economy, Democracy
In the introduction of his 1993 book titled Out of Control, Global Turmoil on the Eve of the 21st Century, Zbigniew Brzezinski referred to “discontinuity” as “the central reality of our contemporary history.” Rising authoritarianisms in today’s world cast a shadow over what was presumably learned from the atrocities committed by the totalitarian regimes of the 20th century. Global governance through international organizations is shadowed by reliance on unfettered predominance of markets as well as many national obstacles jeopardizing social justice and prospects of peace. International organizations that were formed in the aftermath of the Second World War in order to prevent wars, defend human rights, democracy, and rule of law on an international scale seem to be declining in the course of the past decade. National referandums terminating the ratification of the Constitutional Treaty for Europe as well as Brexit raised questions about the stability and endurance of the European Union. Efforts of the United Nations General Secretariat to resolve conflicts such as the Cyprus issue did not deliver the intended results. Council of Europe’s guidance for democratization especially through the Venice Commission did not find a following among the leaders of its member countries. Leaders and analysts declared the North Atlantic Treaty Organization as obsolete and defunct. Are international organizations really in decline? Is there still room for multilateralism in international politics or is unilateralism becoming the only game in the world? Can international organizations still be engaged in facing global challenges to security, economy, and democracy? What are the new challenges that Turkey is facing in these times of discontinuity and global turmoil? Innovative, original essays on such and related questions are welcome.


Winners of Research Awards:
Cosette D. Creamer from University of Minnesota with "Judicial Responsiveness in the World Trade Organization"
Kerim Can Kavaklı from Bocconi University with "Does the Rise of China Weaken Global Governance? Evidence from the Anti-Trafficking Regime"
Moria Paz from Georgetown University with "A World of Walls".

Winner of the Special Jury Award: Joseph S. Nye, Jr.


Meltem Müftüler-Baç, Sabancı University – President of the Jury
Ayşe Kadıoğlu, Sabancı University
Fuat Keyman, Sabancı University - Istanbul Policy Center
Kemal Derviş, Brookings Institution – Sabancı University
Erik Jones, Johns Hopkins University
William Burke, Wright University of Pennsylvania

Keynote Speeches

"Soft power, which is the ability to get what you want through attraction, can come from a country's culture, ideals or policies"
Joseph S. Nye, Jr. spoke: “When we talk about power, we expect others to do what we want them to do. I thought that it was more important to achieve this by making our idea more attractive, by developing a mutual relationship with others. Most of us do this already. So I named it soft power. Soft power is what one needs to make an effective foreign policy. The art of diplomacy is to get agreements. It is underpinned by the idea to sway the preferences of others rather than using force and sanctions to be influential in world politics. Soft power, which is the ability to get what you want through attraction, rather than coercion or payment, can come from a country's culture, ideals or policies."
Nye continued, “I believe that soft power will play a great role in Turkey's future. It is important that Turkey goes back to the soft power approach, and the use of soft power when planning its future. I think that the culture and universities in Turkey will contribute greatly to the country's soft power. Sabancı University and others make great efforts to preserve academic freedom and intellectual integrity. These will add to Turkey's soft power in the future. By utilizing its soft power, Turkey can achieve great things and create tremendous impact. I am confident that the future holds great things for Turkey."


Güler Sabancı
Winner of the Special Jury Award: Joseph S. Nye, Jr.


Award Topics

More than two decades ago, Zbigniew Brzezinski alerted us to a “global turmoil,” steadily stifling the international society’s, and especially the West’s ability to respond to major global challenges. Since then, the West has been in the grip of the multiple crises of globalization, manifested by a myriad of unprecedented and effective security, economic, humanitarian and environmental challenges. While existing democracies have failed to tackle effectively the multiple crises of globalization, a wave of populist movements have begun to shape and frame politics and governance in not only Western democracies, but also in developing countries. These movements, either in government or in opposition, feed on challenges to democracy such as the democratic disconnect between economy and politics, refugee flows and the failures of multiculturalism. Essays providing path-breaking and innovative analyses on these and similar challenges to democratic governance and living together, their causes and impacts, as well as the movements which they foster and the alternative solutions which can be sought are welcome.


Winners of Research Awards:
Selim Erdem Aytaç, Koç University
İpek Çınar, University of Chicago
Berk Esen, Bilkent University
Winner of the Special Jury Award: Adam Przeworski


Özge Kemahlıoğlu, Sabancı University – President of the Jury
Ayşe Kadıoğlu, Sabancı University
Fuat Keyman, Sabancı University - Istanbul Policy Center
John D. Huber, Columbia University
Milan Svolik, Yale University
Dr. Dimitar Bechev, The University of North Carolina
Ellen Lust, Gothenburg University

Winning Articles

The Appeal of Populism and the Role of Elite Discourse: Evidence from Turkey by Selim Erdem Aytaç,
Koç University
Democracy Dismantled: Strategic Choices of Would-be Autocrats by İpek Çınar, University of Chicago

Elective Affinities between Democratic Backsliding and Populism: the Cases of Turkey and Hungary in
Comparative Perspective by Berk Esen, Bilkent University

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Keynote Speeches

Adam Przeworski: "We share transnational problems which require international efforts to solve. Adam Przeworski said that we shared transnational problems which require international efforts to solve. He noted that the prize was especially relevant to young scientists for continuing their global efforts. Adam Przeworski continued: "All my life, I tried to find answers to two questions. First: How can people divided by values, norms and interests live together? And second: How can democracy coexist with economic and social inequality? Considering that losing parties have a chance to win in the future, political actors and groups will prefer to stay within the system. The balance between economy and democracy is critical. Research suggests that countries which have attained certain levels of economic development were then able to improve their democracies. Democracy is under threat in all countries. For the first time in two hundred years, many parents believe that their children will be worse off than they are. In the longer term, economic consequences will influence the decision of political actors and groups to remain within the boundaries of democracy."




logo 2017

Award Topics

"Europeans with Legacies from Turkey in Everyday Life”

Labor migration from Turkey to major European capitals began in the 1960s through bilateral agreements. This initial wave of labor migration was soon followed by family reunifications. The migrants and their families who arrived in European cities were initially referred to as "guestworkers" signalling their temporary and foreigner status. A steady increase in the numbers of guestworkers and their families in Europe eventually led to the adoption of a shift from a temporary to a permanent discourse. Such a shift has nowhere been better expressed than in the words of Max Frisch who famously said: “We have summoned a work force, but it is people who are coming” (Man hat Arbeitskräfte gerufen, und es kommen Menschen). By the end of the twentieth century, the more widely used concepts were "Euro-Turks," "Turkish Germans," as well as "Euro-Muslims" who were increasingly second and third generation European borns with legacies from Turkey, fully imbedded and quite effective in their European settings but cognizant of strong family, cultural heritage, and religious ties in Turkey. These population flows have led to the questioning of the convergence between nationality and citizenship which had long been a distinguishing feature of modern politics. It has led to the creation of new lives, interactions, conflicts as well as different modes of coexistence. Daily encounters of cultural and religious differences, while enriching the everyday lives of ordinary people have simultaneously produced conflicts that shaped the contours of the main political cleavages in Europe today.


Winners of Research Awards:
Defne Kadıoğlu Polat, Independent Scholar
Zeynep Selen Artan-Bayhan, City University of New York
Tolga Tezcan, University of Florida

Winner of the Special Jury Award: Nermin Abadan Unat


Senem Aydın Düzgit, Sabancı University – President of the Jury
Ayşe Kadıoğlu, Sabancı University
Fuat Keyman, Sabancı University - Istanbul Policy Center
Riva Kastoryano, CNRS SciencesPo
Lenore G.Martin, Harvard University
Michael Schwarz, Stiftung Mercator Foundation
Thomas Faist, Bielefeld University 

Winning Articles

“At least we have a home here”: Everyday Experiences of Turkish Immigrants in a Gentrifying Berlin Neighborhood by Defne Kadıoğlu Polat, Independent Scholar
“Praying God Abroad: Religious Boundary and the Experiences of Turkish Immigrants in Germany and the United States” by Zeynep Selen Artan-Bayhan, City University of New York
“Building or Burning the Bridges? The Determinants of Return Migration Intentions of German-Turk Generations” by Tolga Tezcan, University of Florida

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Keynote Speeches

Nermin Abadan Unat: Population movements are as old as humanity
Sakıp Sabancı Jury Prize winner Nermin Abadan-Unat began her speech by remarking that population movements were as old as humanity. Abadan-Unat said that the movement of labor in Turkey started at the individual level in the 1950s, and later evolved into mass movements. Discussing Columbia University professor Daniel Lerner's survey of seven Middle Eastern nations titled "The Passing of Traditional Society", drawing attention to the fact that 49% of the Turkish respondents said that, if given no other choice, they would rather die than live somewhere other than Turkey.  Nermin Abadan-Unat continued, “60 years after this finding, we have 4.5 million Turkish nationals living across five continents of the world. More than three million of them live in Europe, and 80% of those living in Europe are in Germany." She said that the expansion of transnational areas and developments in communication and technology were the reasons behind this unexpected occurrence. Abadan-Unat added, "We must take a close look at the relationship between countries that sent migrant workers, and those that received them."





Award Topics


Cities have always been associated with human emancipation. In Europe in the Middle Ages, it was believed that city air brings freedom. Modern cities, too, are defined as areas of high freedom potential for people leaving behind extended family ties and hierarchical agricultural relationships. However, attractive as the potential for human freedom may be, cities are also spheres where economic inequalities, income disparities, cultural differences and ghettoization trends become most visible.

Turkey is a country that is going through rapid urbanization. The percentage of the urban population rose from 25% in the 1950s to 75% today. We are now living in an urbanized Turkey with all its risks and potential. Anatolian provinces prove to be the most dynamic ones in terms of rapid urbanization. Processes of change and transformation since the 1980s gave rise to the emergence of new city centers in Anatolia. Cities like Kayseri, Konya, Gaziantep, Eskişehir, Denizli, Çorum and others have become new centers of economic and political power over the last three decades.

It is possible to argue that these new city centers pose alternatives to those cities that have been prominent since the early years of the Republic such as Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir. These cities draw attention not only by their recent entrepreneurial ventures, but also their wealth of initiatives in education and artistic activities. What is novel about the emergence and rise of these cities? What are the drivers of entrepreneurship observed in these cities? How compatible are these new urban areas with the fundamental freedoms of citizens? Is the atmosphere (social and political environment) in these cities conducive to liberation – the function that has historically been attributed to cities? How can new urban spaces contribute to development, democratization and peace in Turkey?

This topic was chosen for this year's Sakıp Sabancı International Awards in line with the interdisciplinary nature of Sabancı University. Submissions that make general and specic contributions to this subject from a wide and interdisciplinary academic perspective are welcome.


Winners of Research Awards:

Azat Zana Gündoğan, Cornell Üniversity and Emrah Şahin, Florida Üniversity

Special Jury Award, İlhan Tekeli


Sabancı University Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences member Ayşe Parla: President of the Jury
Ardahan University President Ramazan Korkmaz
Harvard University Faculty Member Neil Brenner
Open University Faculty Member Engin Işın
Sabancı University Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Dean Ayşe Kadıoğlu
Sabancı University Istanbul Policy Center Director Fuat Keyman

Winning Articles

Azat Zana Gündoğan from Cornell University with “Rethinking the Notion of New Centers"

Emrah Şahin from the University of Florida with "Dogs and Caravan"

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Award Topics

The topic for the 2015 award was “Living Together, Dialog & Cooperation within Diversity in Turkey”. The tenth Sakıp Sabancı International Research Awards were given at a ceremony held on Friday, April 10th, at Sabancı Center. The ceremony was hosted by Güler Sabancı, Founding Chairman of the Board of Trustees, and President Professor A. Nihat Berker. The winners were Mahiye Seçil Dağtaş from the University of Waterloo with her article ''Beyond Tolerance: Re/Presenting Religious Difference in the Case of the Antakya Choir of Civilizations '', Haydar Darıcı from the University of Michigan with his article “Encounters in the Shadow of War: Turkey’s Kurdish Region '' and Anoush Tamar Suni from the University of California with her article “The Ruin as Archive: Landscape and Memory in Anatolia”


Winners of Research Awards:

Mahiye Seçil Dağtaş. University of Waterloo/Beyond Tolerance: Re/Presenting Religious Difference in the Case of the Antakya Choir of Civilizations”

Haydar Darıcı. University of Michigan.
“Encounters in the Shadow of War: Turkey’s Kurdish Region”

Anoush Tamar Suni. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).
“The Ruin as Archive: Landscape and Memory in Anatolia”.

Special Jury Award: Professor Martin Van Bruinessen. University of Utrecht for his publications on prestigious international platforms and his comparative studies on the Turkish case.

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Professor Leyla Neyzi: President of the Jury, Sabancı University
Professor Karen Barkey: Columbia University
Professor Ayşe Kadıoğlu: Sabancı University
Professor Fuat Keyman: Sabancı University / İstanbul Policy Center
Emeritus Professor Ronald Grigor Suny: Chicago University
Professor Yael Navaro-Yashin: Cambridge University

Winning Articles

This year’s theme of the awards was “Living Together, Dialog & Cooperation within Diversity in Turkey” and the winners:

Please click here for Summary of the Article.

Haydar Darıcı. University of Michigan. “Encounters in the Shadow of War: Turkey’s Kurdish Region”
Please click here for Summary of the Article.

Anoush Tamar Suni. University of California. “The Ruin as Archive: Landscape and Memory in Anatolia”.
Please click here for Summary of the Article.

Keynote Speeches

Martin Van Bruinessen, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, University of Utrecht:
“I wish a bright future for young scholars and the society of Turkey”
Jury Award winner Professor Martin Van Bruinessen said, "It will be a great honor if my writings have contributed to living together, cooperation and dialog between ethnic groups in Turkey."
Bruinessen warned academics that their studies may have limited impact on the society. He noted the possible contribution of prominent business figures like Sakıp Sabancı to living together, cooperation and dialog in Turkey.
Professor Martin Van Bruinessen concluded, “The number of young scholars in Turkey is on the rise. The studies of this generation promise hope for Turkey. I am optimistic in my view of the country. I wish a bright future for young scholars and the society of Turkey."





Award Topics

The topic for the 2014 award was “Gender Equality in Turkey”. The ninth Sakıp Sabancı International Research Awards were given at a ceremony held on Tuesday, May 13th, at Sabancı University Sakıp Sabancı Museum - the Seed. The ceremony was hosted by Güler Sabancı, Founding Chairman of the Board of Trustees, and President Professor A. Nihat Berker. The winners were Akanksha Misra with her article ''Beyond Numbers: Rethinking the Education and Empowerment of Girls in Turkey'', Aslı Zengin with her article “Questioning Calculations of Justice: Criminal Law, Hate Crimes and Queer Approaches '' and Emine Gökçen Yüksel (Universität der Bundeswehr Munich), Stephan Stetter (Universität der Bundeswehr Munich) and Jochen Walter (Universität Bielefeld) with their article “Properties of Modern Women and the Negotiation of Gender Norms within Space”


Akanksha Misra. University of Washington/Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies.
“Beyond Numbers: Rethinking Girls’ Education, Empowerment, and Gender Equality in Turkey”

Aslı Zengin. University of Toronto, Department of Anthropology, Women and Gender Studies Institute.
“Contesting Calculations of Justice: The Criminal Law, Hate Crimes and Queer Lives”

Emine Gökçen Yüksel. Universität der Bundeswehr Munich.
Stephan Stetter. Universität der Bundeswehr Munich.
Jochen Walter. Universität Bielefeld.
“Modern Female Subjectivities and the Spatial Negotiation of Gender Norms”.

Special Jury Award: Deniz Kandiyoti. University of London for her publications on prestigious international platforms and her comparative studies on the Turkish case.

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Professor Sibel Irzık: Sabancı University / Gender and Women’s Studies Forum
Professor Isabelle de Courtivron: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Professor Cemal Kafadar: Harvard University
Professor Ayşe Kadıoğlu: Sabancı University
Professor Fuat Keyman: Sabancı University / İstanbul Policy Center

Winning Articles

This year’s theme of the awards was “Gender Equality in Turkey” and the winners:

Akanksha Misra. :University of Washington. “Beyond Numbers: Rethinking Girls’ Education, Empowerment, and Gender Equality in Turkey”
Please click here for Summary of the Article.

Please click here for Summary of the Article.

Emine Gökçen Yüksel. Universität der Bundeswehr Munich. Stephan Stetter. Universität der Bundeswehr Munich. Jochen Walter. Universität Bielefeld. “Modern Female Subjectivities and the Spatial Negotiation of Gender Norms”.
Please click here for Summary of the Article.

Keynote Speeches

Deniz Kandiyoti, Department of Development Studies, University of London:
“The patriarchal is a crumbling structure that has difficulties in re-producing itself.” Deniz Kandiyoti, this year’s winner of the Jury Prize, said that at one point in history, slave trade was widespread and scientific theories, religious and creationist rationale were used to legitimize this practice. Kandiyoti remarked that people were still being traded today, although most of them were women and children, and similar scientific, religious and creationist arguments were still being used to make the issue seem legitimate. Saying that she viewed gender issues like a puzzle that needs solving, Kandiyoti argued that under the 21st century conditions, the patriarchal is a crumbling structure that has difficulties in re-producing itself. Deniz Kandiyoti concluded, “The patriarchal is being resurrected as an administrative science. But the new generation rises up against subservience and obedience. The new generation will lead us to emancipation.”

