Award Topics
More than two decades ago, Zbigniew Brzezinski alerted us to a “global turmoil,” steadily stifling the international society’s, and especially the West’s ability to respond to major global challenges. Since then, the West has been in the grip of the multiple crises of globalization, manifested by a myriad of unprecedented and effective security, economic, humanitarian and environmental challenges. While existing democracies have failed to tackle effectively the multiple crises of globalization, a wave of populist movements have begun to shape and frame politics and governance in not only Western democracies, but also in developing countries. These movements, either in government or in opposition, feed on challenges to democracy such as the democratic disconnect between economy and politics, refugee flows and the failures of multiculturalism. Essays providing path-breaking and innovative analyses on these and similar challenges to democratic governance and living together, their causes and impacts, as well as the movements which they foster and the alternative solutions which can be sought are welcome.
Winners of Research Awards:
Selim Erdem Aytaç, Koç University
İpek Çınar, University of Chicago
Berk Esen, Bilkent University
Winner of the Special Jury Award: Adam Przeworski
Özge Kemahlıoğlu, Sabancı University – President of the Jury
Ayşe Kadıoğlu, Sabancı University
Fuat Keyman, Sabancı University - Istanbul Policy Center
John D. Huber, Columbia University
Milan Svolik, Yale University
Dr. Dimitar Bechev, The University of North Carolina
Ellen Lust, Gothenburg University
Winning Articles
The Appeal of Populism and the Role of Elite Discourse: Evidence from Turkey by Selim Erdem Aytaç,
Koç University
Democracy Dismantled: Strategic Choices of Would-be Autocrats by İpek Çınar, University of Chicago
Elective Affinities between Democratic Backsliding and Populism: the Cases of Turkey and Hungary in
Comparative Perspective by Berk Esen, Bilkent University
Please do not cite or reproduce without permission of the author.
Keynote Speeches
Adam Przeworski: "We share transnational problems which require international efforts to solve. Adam Przeworski said that we shared transnational problems which require international efforts to solve. He noted that the prize was especially relevant to young scientists for continuing their global efforts. Adam Przeworski continued: "All my life, I tried to find answers to two questions. First: How can people divided by values, norms and interests live together? And second: How can democracy coexist with economic and social inequality? Considering that losing parties have a chance to win in the future, political actors and groups will prefer to stay within the system. The balance between economy and democracy is critical. Research suggests that countries which have attained certain levels of economic development were then able to improve their democracies. Democracy is under threat in all countries. For the first time in two hundred years, many parents believe that their children will be worse off than they are. In the longer term, economic consequences will influence the decision of political actors and groups to remain within the boundaries of democracy."