Award Topics

“Economics and the Future of Turkey”
One of the most striking results in the modern economic theory is to show that markets are often imperfect. In such cases, wisely designed economic policies can increase efficiency and decrease inequality. At its 15th year, the Sakip Sabanci International Research Award will acknowledge studies concentrating on the government’s role in and economic policies related to the wide range of topics from inequality to income distribution, climate change to energy, traffic congestion to air pollution, transportation to housing. The studies must be contributing to the economics literature at the universal level as well as generating ideas that can in principle benefit Turkey.


Winners of the Research Awards:
● Jonathan D. Hall, University of Toronto “Can Tolling Help Everyone? Estimating Aggregate and Distributional Consequences of Congestion Pricing”,
● Hans Koster, Vrije University, Amsterdam “The Welfare Effects of Greenbelt Policy: Evidence from England”, and
● Nick Tsivanidis Berkeley University, California “Evaluating the Impact of Urban Transit Infrastructure: Evidence from Bogotá’s TransMilenio”.
Winner of the Special Jury Award: Professor Lord Nicholas Stern


Eren İnci, Sabancı University - President of the Jury
Fuat Keyman, Sabancı University - Istanbul Policy Center
Özgür Kıbrıs, Sabancı University
Kemal Derviş, Brookings Institute
Professor Gilles Duranton, University of Pennsylvania
Professor Robin Lindsey, UBC Sauder School of Business
Professor Matthew Turner, Brown University

Keynote Speeches

Next two decades will be very critical for the world

"Expressing that he feels honored to receive such a special award previously given to very distinguished scientists like Joseph Nye and organized by Sabancı University which was founded by the great philanthropist Sakıp Sabancı, Professor Lord Stern said: “Climate change has been at the center of my work over the last two decades. Unmanaged climate change poses an immense threat to the future of humanity. On current trajectories, including those embodied in the Paris Agreement of 2015, within a century or so, we are headed for average global temperatures over 3 degrees centigrade above those at the end of the 19th century. With an increase of three degrees probably billions of people would have to move, that would likely result in more profound and severe social conflicts. It would reverse the gains in development we have made over the last half century. To stabilize temperatures, we have to go to zero carbon emissions as a world, and to stay at net zero levels within about 50 years. So, the next two decades will be absolutely critical.”

Emphasizing that the drive to net zero can be the most sustainable, inclusive, resilient growth story, Professor Lord Stern said: “This century will be full of discovery, innovation, investment and growth. It will give us cities, where we can move and breathe and be productive. To get there, we will require real leadership, strategy and inspiration. It will also require innovation and creativity, and it will require sound and imaginative finance, surely qualities shown by Sakıp Sabancı in great measure. Turkey is very vulnerable since it is located in southern Europe, but Turkey also has great assets. It has substantial wind and solar resources. And, Turkey, with its special geography and its profound culture, is a focal point for the world. So, we look in this great story for Turkey to be at center stage.”


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