Award Topics
The topic for the 2014 award was “Gender Equality in Turkey”. The ninth Sakıp Sabancı International Research Awards were given at a ceremony held on Tuesday, May 13th, at Sabancı University Sakıp Sabancı Museum - the Seed. The ceremony was hosted by Güler Sabancı, Founding Chairman of the Board of Trustees, and President Professor A. Nihat Berker. The winners were Akanksha Misra with her article ''Beyond Numbers: Rethinking the Education and Empowerment of Girls in Turkey'', Aslı Zengin with her article “Questioning Calculations of Justice: Criminal Law, Hate Crimes and Queer Approaches '' and Emine Gökçen Yüksel (Universität der Bundeswehr Munich), Stephan Stetter (Universität der Bundeswehr Munich) and Jochen Walter (Universität Bielefeld) with their article “Properties of Modern Women and the Negotiation of Gender Norms within Space”
Akanksha Misra. University of Washington/Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies.
“Beyond Numbers: Rethinking Girls’ Education, Empowerment, and Gender Equality in Turkey”
Aslı Zengin. University of Toronto, Department of Anthropology, Women and Gender Studies Institute.
“Contesting Calculations of Justice: The Criminal Law, Hate Crimes and Queer Lives”
Emine Gökçen Yüksel. Universität der Bundeswehr Munich.
Stephan Stetter. Universität der Bundeswehr Munich.
Jochen Walter. Universität Bielefeld.
“Modern Female Subjectivities and the Spatial Negotiation of Gender Norms”.
Special Jury Award: Deniz Kandiyoti. University of London for her publications on prestigious international platforms and her comparative studies on the Turkish case.
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Professor Sibel Irzık: Sabancı University / Gender and Women’s Studies Forum
Professor Isabelle de Courtivron: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Professor Cemal Kafadar: Harvard University
Professor Ayşe Kadıoğlu: Sabancı University
Professor Fuat Keyman: Sabancı University / İstanbul Policy Center
Winning Articles
This year’s theme of the awards was “Gender Equality in Turkey” and the winners:
Akanksha Misra. :University of Washington. “Beyond Numbers: Rethinking Girls’ Education, Empowerment, and Gender Equality in Turkey”
Please click here for Summary of the Article.
Please click here for Summary of the Article.
Emine Gökçen Yüksel. Universität der Bundeswehr Munich. Stephan Stetter. Universität der Bundeswehr Munich. Jochen Walter. Universität Bielefeld. “Modern Female Subjectivities and the Spatial Negotiation of Gender Norms”.
Please click here for Summary of the Article.
Keynote Speeches
Deniz Kandiyoti, Department of Development Studies, University of London:
“The patriarchal is a crumbling structure that has difficulties in re-producing itself.” Deniz Kandiyoti, this year’s winner of the Jury Prize, said that at one point in history, slave trade was widespread and scientific theories, religious and creationist rationale were used to legitimize this practice. Kandiyoti remarked that people were still being traded today, although most of them were women and children, and similar scientific, religious and creationist arguments were still being used to make the issue seem legitimate. Saying that she viewed gender issues like a puzzle that needs solving, Kandiyoti argued that under the 21st century conditions, the patriarchal is a crumbling structure that has difficulties in re-producing itself. Deniz Kandiyoti concluded, “The patriarchal is being resurrected as an administrative science. But the new generation rises up against subservience and obedience. The new generation will lead us to emancipation.”